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Climate Zones And Landforms Crossword Puzzle

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Climate Zones and Landforms

            2   3   4                  
          9                   10        
      15   16                            
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7 it is warm all year
8 this landform is also a letter from the Greek alphabet
9 it is a narrow piece of land
10 it is very flat
11 it is almost entirely surrounded by water
12 an arid region
13 hot and rainy all year
14 they are tightly packed together
16 it has cool dry summers
17 Bab el Mandeb is an example
1 it is part of the sea
2 it is neighboring land
3 there are different types: for water drainage and one made of watersheds
4 An example is the Nile in Egypt
5 it has permanent ice and snow
6 it usually has a river running through it; narrow
7 it has rainfall all year
15 it is the curved in the coastal region
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