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Cold War

  5                           6          
  9                     10                
        13                   14            
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4 fear of communists in the United States
8 the policy of the US to stop the spread of communism
9 this is considered the Soviet Union's 'Vietnam'
11 nations that are stronger then other powerful nations
12 this was a economic reform in the Soviet Union by Gorbachev
13 US assistance to war-torn European nations.
1 alliance of communist nations in Europe
2 Soviet leader after Stalin
3 communist ruler of North Vietnam after 1954
5 this country aided North Korea with thousands of soldiers
6 a relaxing of tensions
7 the belief that one communist victory would lead to many others
10 led the Cuban Revolution in 1959
11 the purpose of these talks was to reduce the number of nuclear wespons held by the superpowers
13 the leader of the 'Great Leap Forward' and 'Cultural Revolution'
14 the names of the alliance of pro-western countries
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