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Current Events

      T W E N T Y T H I R D        
S E N A T E                        
          C H I E F D I P L O M A T
  J O I N T                       R
          O                       U
        P R E S I D E N T         E
          C O N G R E S S          
        F E D E R A L I S M        
        F E D E R A L              
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1 What amendment sets up the electoral college? (spell out number no space or hyphen)
3 Who confirms Trump's cabinet nominations?
4 What is the title of the president that allows him to negotiate treaties and deal with other countries (two words no space)
6 What general committee would Congress use to pass a new tax?
7 Who is the head of foreign affairs?
8 Who does Trump have to go through to pass new taxes?
9 What is the division of power between state and federal government?
10 The _______ government controls the federal taxes.
2 Why did Trump win the election if he didn't win the popular vote? (two words no space)
5 True or false: Trump has the power to nominate a cabinet?
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