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Dinosaurs Crossword Puzzle

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      3     4                            
          8                         9    
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3 The wearing away of the Earth's surface by wind, water, ice and other natural forces.
5 A scientist who studies fossils
6 Small particles such as mud and sand deposited on the bottom of a body of water.
7 Soft rock that forms when a body of water dries up and its sediments harden into stone
8 A time in Earth's history that lasted from 205 million to 138 million years ago
11 King of Carnivores
12 Plants and animals in great danger of extinction
1 A group of herbivores that had long necks, long tails and short heads
2 The hardened remains of an animal plant that lived long ago.
4 King of the dinosaurs.
9 A place where fossils or minerals are found.
10 Dangerous places in rivers where the water runs very fast over rocks or other obstructions
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