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Earliest Humans

Please complete the crossword puzzle below

          3                     4                        
            8                             9              
                11                     12                  
        14 15                                              
                20       21                                
Across Down
6 Pursue of some specific branch of study
7 The modern species of humans
8 To tame
9 Characteristic of an earlier time
10 Science of the forms of life existing in prehistoric time
11 An expert in history
13 The science of land and crops
14 An actual strip of land that connects continental masses
16 People having common economic or educational status
17 The glacial epoch
18 Having to do with the earliest part of the stone age
19 The behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular,arts,letters and manners
20 Helps to improve your life
1 Ground of belif or proof
2 Belonging to the latest part of the stone age
3 A state or nation in which the supreme power is actually lodged in a monarch
4 Trace of living things
5 A period in history following the stone age
6 Farming rotate of crops
8 A period of ten years
12 Group of related animals or plants
15 A person from whom has descended
21 Members of a tribe that moves from place to place
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