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Early 19th , Progressive, Spanish American War Crossword Puzzle

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Early 19th , Progressive, Spanish American War

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              3                         4                    
                          6                       7          
                  14         15                                
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1 quest for colonial empires
3 27th president creator of Dollar Diplomacy
6 procedure enabling voters to remove an official from office by calling for a special election
8 was a pioneer settlement social worker , public philosopher , sociologist , author , and leader in women's suffrage and world peace
9 a social group of people who identify which each other based on common ancestral , cultural, social, or national experience
11 public transportation systems , such as commuter trains and subways , that make it possible for workers to live farther away from jobs
12 regions where a particular country has exclusive rights over mines, railroads, and trade
13 Amendment to the Cuban constitution that limited Cuba's right to make treaties and authorized the US to intervene in Cuba affairs through economic influence
15 was an American women's suffrage leader who campaigned for the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave U.S. women the right to vote in 1920
16 statement that the US would not interfere in european colonies in Latin America but would consider any new attempt to colonize in the Western Hemisphere an act of hostility
17 well - organized political parties that dominated local and state governments in the late 1800s
18 was an American author, naturalist, explorer , historian , and politician who served as the 26th president of the United States. He was a leader of the Republican Party and founder of the Progressive Party
19 use the Golden Rule in order to enforce the Rule
20 the feelings and beliefs of people who think that their country is always right and who are in favor of aggressive acts against other countries
21 Procedure allowing citizens to force the legislature to place a recently passed law on the ballot for public approval
2 Community service centers that were founded in the late 1800s to offer educational opportunities, skills , training , and cultural events to poor neighborhoods
4 Revolt in which Chinese nationalist known as Boxers attacked foreigners in order to end foreign involvement in china's affairs; put down by international force after two months
5 the process by which towns and cities are formed and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central areas
7 the blamed purchase of Alaska
10 Use american Navy to order to enforce rule
14 reform movement of the early 1900s concerned with curing problems of urbanization and industrialization
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