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Enlightenment Crossword Puzzle

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                                2         3  
                6                     7      
                  12                 13        
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4 An entire society agrees to be governed bt its general will.
5 One of the branch from England's government means the parliament
6 A geocentric system using ptolemy's ideas, as well as those of Aristotle and of Christianly, philosophers of the universe.
9 The intellectuals of Enlightenment.
10 The ruler wants to have supreme power, the power of all.
11 One of the branch from England's government means the monarch.
12 The uncentered, conception of the universe offered a more accurate explanation than did the Ptolemaic system.
14 The most famous new religious and evangelical movement by John Wesley.
1 An scientist who taught mathematics and is the first European to make regular observations of the heaven using a telescope.
2 A scientist who discovered the universal law of gravitation.
3 One of the branch from England's government means the courts of law.
4 A systematic procedure for collecting and analyzing evidence.
7 A parlor or living room, a main gathering space in a private home.
8 An eighteenth-century religious philosophy based on reason and natural law.
13 A new artistic style which emphasized grace, charm, and gentle action.
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