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First Aid Crossword Puzzle

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First Aid

                                  2 3        
          7                     8            
                11         12                  
Across Down
2 Blockage in the brain.
5 Lowering of the body's core temperature
6 High body temperature, hot and dry skin, rapid pulse, and victim will probably be unconscious.
8 Stands for deformity, open wounds, tenderness and swelling.
9 Explosion of blood, most dangerous.
11 A cut caused by a sharp object such as a knife, or broken glass, slicing through the layers of skin
13 Results when tissue is partially a completely separated from the body .
1 Freezing of body parts caused by over exposure to cold.
3 Last resort, may lead to amputation.
4 A small but deep hole caused by a pin, nail, fang or other object that pierces the skin.
5 Coronary arteries are blocked.
7 Bruise, most common for closed wounds.
10 Immediate, temporary care given to an ill or injured person until professional medical care can be provided .
12 If the skin is scraped against a hard surface, tiny blood vessels in the outer layers of the sling break.
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