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Geologic History of Earth

                      R               P                    
                      E         H Y D R O G E N            
                      L               E                    
                    C A S T     H     C   T                
                      T         A     A   R                
                      I         L     M   A                
                      V         F     B   C                
                      E         L     R   E                
                      A         I     I   F                
                G     G         F     A   O                
              V E R T E B R A T E B O N E S                
                O                         S                
            P A L E O N T O L O G Y       I                
                O                     M O L D              
                I N V E R T E B R A T E S                  
P A L E O Z O I C                                          
                I N D E X F O S S I L S                    
            A B S O L U T E D A T I N G                    
                C                           U              
              R A D I O M E T R I C D A T I N G            
                L                           C              
                E R A A N D P E R I O D S   O              
                                      C E N O Z O I C      
                                            M E S O Z O I C
                                      Q U A T E R N A R Y  
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3 found in earth's first atmosphere
4 a fossil that forms when the impression of an organism fills with sediments
8 the most common fossils in rocks of the last 500 million years
9 the study of fossils of animal and plant life that existed in remote geological times
10 a hollow area in sediment in the shape of all part of an organism
11 the earliest multi celled organisms
12 trilobites abundant, fish abundant, and pangaea forms
13 a fossil of a species that existed in a short time in history
14 uses special scientific instruments to determine the actual age of the rock
16 measuring the amount of a radioactive isotope and decay
17 the geologic time scale is subdivided into
18 first abundant mammals and birds
19 pangaea breaks up, dinosaurs abundant. and ancient birds found
20 the period of geologic time that has occurred most recently
1 the age compared with the ages of other rocks
2 earth's beginning
5 the time it takes for half of a radioactive element's atoms to decay
6 a series of dinosaur footprints in rock
7 the record of life forms and geologic events in history
15 not straight and uneven
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