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German Word Jumble Crossword Puzzle

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German Word Jumble

Find all the words and circle them.

                  2         3      
        5 6                        
14                         15        
    16         17                    
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4 The monotheistic religion of the Jews
5 A member of the Nazi militia
8 The German republic from 1913-33
9 A night where many Jewish store were destroyed and looted after the storefront was smashed
11 French brand of mineral water
12 Night of Broken Glass
13 An intense dislike and predujice for Jewish people
14 The Nazis way of militaristic, Racial, Anti-Semetic, and Nationalistic policies
16 Anti-Semeti laws introduced at the annual Nuremburg Rally
18 The basis of the legal code of Aryan society
19 The Nazi regime from 1933-45
1 Another name for a stormtrooper
2 Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale
3 The meeting where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious observation and instruction
6 The treaty imposed on the Axis after WWI to demand reparations for all they caused
7 Somebody to take the fall for someone elses actions
10 Information of biased or misleading nature
15 A member of the people and cultural community is of the religion Judaism
16 A member of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party
17 The destroying of 70,000 tons of books that the Nazis did not agree with
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