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                2 3            
      6   7                    
            13     14            
Across Down
2 This is the name given to the lake in a cirque
5 A mass of ice that moves and shapes the landscape
7 This pulls the snow downhill
8 Scratches left behind on the rocks from the movement of ice
9 An example of a cirque in Ireland
11 The build up of material that was moved by ice
12 When rocks are torn out of larger chunks of rock to make the hollow steeper
15 An example of a pyramidal peak
16 An example of a cirque in Scotland
1 Another name for a cirque
3 When rocks are pulled along in the ice and hit off each other to make the hollow wider and deeper
4 A ridge between two cirques
6 When three cirques form, a ridge of the mountain remains in the shape of a peak
9 A basin-shaped hollow in the mountains
10 This is compressed to form ice in the hollow
13 This describes the movement of the ice against the rock causing it to melt
14 The breakdown of rocks
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