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Going TO The Gym Crossword Puzzle

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Going to the Gym

Use the clues to complete the crossword

                          7                         8            
              10               11                                  
                                  13       14                      
        15           16   17             18                          
20                                     21                          
Across Down
4 A place in the gym where you store your belongings
6 The name given to 'feel good' chemicals that are released by the body in response to excercise
8 Bar with weights on either end that can be adjustable or fixed
9 A weighted ball typically used in mat excercises
10 The abbreviation given to high intensity interval training
11 Upright version of a bench press, performed on a pullley or plate machine
12 If you visit the gym often, it may save you money to purchase on of these
14 A small bar attached to two weight plates, weights might be fixed or adjustable, in a similar manner to a barbell
15 The pause taken following the completion of a set of excercises
16 You may take these to help prevent nutrition deficiencies, they are available as tablets, capsules or powder which can be used with water
19 The muscles of the buttocks, excercises such as squats, lunges and leg press work this muscle
20 The period towards the end of a cardiovascular work out, where the level of intensity is decreased, in order to help the body adjust to normal 'resting' levels of exertion
21 Muscles which form part of the core. When well-defined, these muscles are referred to as a 'six-pack'
22 The practice of consciously consuming more calories than your body requires as part of a weight training programme in order to help gain muscle
1 Used as a unitary measure of energy
2 If you push yourself too hard you may get one of these
3 A seated piece of gym equipment that stimulates the action used when rowing a craft on water
5 Series of movements and stretches to get the body ready for excercise
7 Muscles situated on the forward portion of the upper arm
8 A test often used in sport to determine an athlete's endurance and fitness level, it involves running back and forth between two set points
10 The name of the muscle in the back of the thigh, leg curls and deadlifts are examples of excercises which work this muscle
13 Rhythmic excercises typically performed to music in a class which improve strength, cardio and mobility conditioning
17 Static excercise for abdominal muscles, you atttempt to maintain this position for as long as possible
18 A machine that allows users to walk, jog or run on the spot at varying speeds and inclines
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