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Harriet Tubman

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N U R S E           E                      
        M A R Y L A N D                    
      U N D E R G R O U N D R A I L R O A D
    Q U I L T                              
        A R M I N T A                      
    R I T                                  
        A B U R N                          
      C O N D U T O R                      
      F R E E D O M                        
        C I V I L W A R                    
        M A S T E R                        
      M O S E S                            
Across Down
2 harriet was a - in the civil war
4 harriet tubman worked on a plantation in -
5 slaves used the - to get north
6 when there was a _ on a house that meant it was safe to come in and hide
7 harriet's mother called her - when she was little
8 harriet's mother name is _
9 harriet tubman died in 1913 in -
10 harriet was a - on the uderground railroad.
11 harriet lead over 70 people to -
12 in the _ many people got hurt
13 harriet's master's name is _
14 most people called harriet _
1 Harriet tubman's father name is -
3 abarham lincoln signed the - to free all slaves.
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