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Health Home Care Management Crossword Puzzle

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Health Home Care Management

Choose the care manager word that corresponds to the hint

                          1 2                    
                8                         9      
                  15                       16      
            19                       20            
    21   22         23   24   25                      
Across Down
1 this should be a broad statement and be in the member's own words
6 the action or process members or the interdisciplinary team will take to help the member reach their goal
7 a member has this many days to file a fair hearing once notification of disenrollment has been received
8 these include a member's name, address, telephone number, insurance information, gender etc
10 notice of _________ is sent to the member upon enrollment to health homes- DOH form
12 adult POC has 8 of these required and children POC has 10 of these required
13 this assessment addresses all life areas and indicates a member's needs
15 there needs to be documentation that there was this from the member when developing the POC
17 these are the types of visits by DOH
23 these codes are not compatible with health homes
26 this type of care is promoted through communication with providers to improve health outcomes
27 these types of events represent a significant event in a person's life which requires follow-up by the care manager
2 identified steps towards reaching a member's goal and is tangible
3 as a care manager you are this type of reporter
4 members need 2 uncontrolled of these conditions in order to be eligible for health homes
5 these types of directives should be discussed with all members/legal guardians
6 team meetings that occur 1x a year for adults and 2x a year for children or when a significant event has an affect on the member
9 help members do this to appropriate services
11 this department provides the health homes with guidance, policy and procedures, and standards
12 system used to check Medicaid eligibility status
14 there are 5 billable of these services for care management
16 system which contains members records for the health home
18 this packet is reviewed and given to the member at the enrollment meeting
19 the POC is this type of document therefore it should change as the person's current situations change
20 health homes is this type of program
21 form submitted to health home with reason for closing out a record for member
22 what is the act that protects health information
24 format that objectives and interventions should be written in
25 what is completed and sent to the health home for enrollment
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