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                          1             2            
  9                                 10                
  11                                     12            
  15                             16                    
17                                       18            
          21   22       23       24                      
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5 located in cities and towns
7 the average number people per square mile or square kilometer.
8 an economic system in which individuals own most businesses
9 nation with many industries and advanced technology
11 the number of live births each year per 1,000 people.
13 a set of laws that define and often limit a governments power
14 nations with few industries
15 a small city centered state
17 the science that studies population distribution and change.
18 a group of something
19 the movement of people to cities, and the growth of cities.
20 people who move into one country from another
21 a state that is independent of other states
1 the movement of people from one place or region to another.
2 the number of deaths each year per 1,000 people.
3 people who buy and use products
4 located in the country side
6 a way of doing something
7 the way the population is spread out over an area.
10 an economic system in which the central government owns factories, farms, and offices
12 a region that belongs to another state
16 a union
17 an argument or disagreement
22 an idea or beleif on how something is done
23 a region that shares a government
24 a state containing several countries
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