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Hitler And The Rise OF Fascism Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Hitler and the Rise of Fascism

      N E U T R A L I T Y A C T S  
    W I N S T O N C H U R C H I L L
J O S E P H S T A L I N            
      A D O L F H I T L E R        
      B E N I T O M U S S O L I N I
    F R A N C I S C O F R A N C O  
    F A S C I S M                  
      N A Z I S M                  
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1 Acts that included outlaws on arms and loans and fighting in Spain. These acts led to engagement of Civil Wars.
2 Chamberlain's political rival. Later became British prime minister.
3 Known as 'the man of steel' and took over Russia after the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924.
4 Became 'Der Fuhrer- 'The Leader'- and promised to bring Germany out of chaos.
5 Was establishing a totalitarian regime in Italy.
6 This man rebelled against the Spanish republic.
7 Stressed naationalism and placed the interests of the state above those of individuals.
8 The German brand of fascism.
1 British prime minister. This man handed over the Sudetenland to Hitler known as the 'Munich Agreement.'
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