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                          H     Y              
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                          A     I   E   K A P O
                          L     S   S   L      
                  W A R S A W G H E T T O      
      A             N     H         A   N A Z I
      L O D Z G H E T T O           P   B      
      L   A         I       P O G R O M        
      I   C     S   S                          
      E   H     C R E M A T O R I U M          
J E W S   A     R   M                          
          U     I   I                 G        
                P   T H I R D R E I C H        
                    I                 E        
                A N S C H L U S S     T        
                X   M         H       T        
                I             O       O        
                S             A                
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3 The first five books of the Hebrew Bible.
6 A prisoner within the camp who is elevated to a position to oversee work duties in that camp. Many Kapos are remembered negatively.
7 Largest ghetto in Poland covering 100 square blocks where approximately 500,000 Jews were contained from 1939 until May 1943.
10 Name for members of the NSDAP, National Socialist Democratic Workers Party, who believed in the idea of Aryan supremacy.
11 The ghetto in Lodz, Poland completed in 1940.
13 An organized, state-sponsored attack on a group of people.
15 Ovens built in concentration camps to burn and dispose of the large number of murdered bodies.
16 Persons identifying themselves with the Jewish community or as followers of the Jewish religion or culture.
18 The Third Empire; name given to the Nazi regime in Germany; Hitler boasted that the Third Reich would reign for 1,000 years.
19 The German annexation of Austria in March 1938.
1 The service marking the end of Shabbat (Sabbath) on Saturday at sunset.
2 Language spoken by many Jews in Eastern Europe; a combination of German, Hebrew and dialects of the countries in which Jews were living.
4 A chemical developed as an insecticide, the pellets of which were shaken down an opening in the euphemistically called “shower rooms,” or gas chambers. The Nazis found this to be a quicker, cheaper and more reliable method of mass killing than carbon
5 The secret state police of the German army, organized to stamp out any political opposition.
8 Dislike or hatred of the Jews.
9 The nations fighting Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during World War II, primarily Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States.
12 Himmler’s model camp located outside Munich, opened March 20, 1933; initially designed to hold political prisoners.
14 Paper currency or tokens used as evidence that the bearer was entitled to receive something in return. Holocaust Museum Houston's archives houses the largest collection of ghetto and camp scrip in the world.
17 A section of a city where Jews were forced to live, usually with several families living in one house, separated from the rest of the city by walls or wire fences, and used primarily as a station for gathering Jews for deportation to concentration ca
19 The Axis powers, originally Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, extended to Japan when it entered the war.
20 The Hebrew word for Holocaust.
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