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Immigration Crossword Puzzle

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            1       2           3                  
      4         5           6                      
              12                             13      
                15   16     17             18          
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6 Authors or artists who try to show the world as it is.
7 The process of becoming part of another culture.
8 A nun who helped found over 70 hospitals in North and South America.
9 A 4 letter abbreviation for a Jewish social organization that provided aid to Jewish Immigrants.
10 This person is credited with inventing basketball.
11 Laws that set standards for how buildings were built.
12 A protestant organization that provided food, shelter and religious education to the poor.
15 Community center that offered services to the poor.
19 Sanctioned attacks on Jewish communities in Russia.
20 A popular style of music.
1 Hull house was opened by this activist.
2 A group of people who wanted to limit Immigration into the U.S..
3 Conditions that draw people to a new country .
4 Conditions that drive people from their homes.
5 A method of journalism that depended on sensationalism and shock.
13 A cheap form of literature that often covers adventure stories.
14 The west coast immigration processing center.
16 Appartment buildings built to house immigrants and the poor.
17 The East Coast immigration processing center.
18 The movement of people from the country to cities.
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