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Imperialism Crossword Puzzle

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                  1         2        
            3           4            
          5 6                        
11           12                        
            15                 16      
Across Down
3 During this uprising, foreign communities across China were attacked
5 Leading promoter of British imperialism
7 Colonial rule where local rulers were left in place
9 Colonial rule practiced by France
10 What European nations did to Africa in the 1880's
11 Area claimed by King Leopold II of Belgium
12 Colonial rule practiced by England
13 Document that closed the Americas to European colonization
14 One country influencing another through trade, colonization, war, etc.
15 Explorer/missionary who opposed the slave trade
17 Ruled after the fall of the Qing dynasty in China
1 Waterway that links the mediterranean and Red Sea
2 a sphere claimed for exclusive investment or trading privileges
4 Policy to keep trade open to all on an equal basis - U.S. and China
6 Right to live under your home country's laws, not the host country's laws
8 Popular author who wrote about the glories and responsibilities of imperialism
16 The Chinese were forced to sign this Treaty after the Opium War
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