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Imperialism Crossword Puzzle

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                                  2         3              
                      7   8                                
                          12                             13  
                      17                 18                  
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7 helped Japan became industrialized, westernized snd modernization
10 Europeans paid no attention to the existing culture boundaries
11 Helped Japan emerge as a major world powe
12 'The Sun never sets on the British Empire' slogan for _______
14 Europeans wanted to control trade for their own benefit
15 Survival of the fittest
16 British tool to ensure a safe passage for trading
17 Europeans felt they had to civilize Africa
19 People in China were forced to accept Western dominace of their nation
1 revolt in India against foreign influences
2 strong supporter of British imperialism in Africa
3 Europeans improved roads to obtain _____ ______
4 to dominate a country by taking it over by force
5 Letter sent to Queen Victoria to stop the sell of ______
6 increased western trade and influence in China
8 imperialism and the growth of overseas empires were due to the needs of the ____ ______
9 an economic system where a country's wealth is based upon exporting more products than it imports
13 Change from isolated and traditional country to an industrialized, powerful nation
18 wanted to control important natural resources in Africa
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