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Imperialism in Britian

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4 The restoration of the Emperor Meiji to power in Japan, overthrowing the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1868
6 His poem The White Man’s Burden became a popular justification for European imperialism
7 A social theory which states that the level a person rises to in society and wealth is determined by their genetic background
8 To discuss plans for dividing Africa peacefully these leaders had little regard for African independence
9 A treaty forced upon a country being dominated by another during Imperialism
10 An international body composed of many countries that seeks to promote peace, prosperity, and cooperation around the world
13 A revolt by the people of China against the ruling Manchu Dynasty because of their failure to deal effectively with the opium problem and the interference of foreigners
14 To adopt western ideas and culture
1 A country or region that is controlled by a more powerful country
2 Great Britain won and created the Union of South Africa comprised of all the South African colonies
3 A vital trade route in the British Empire during imperialism
5 The change to industrial methods of production such as the use of factories
11 Chinese nationalist leader who fought to end foreign domination
12 A soldier working for the British East India Company, recruited from the native population of India
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