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Important People OF The Revolutionary War Crossword Puzzle

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Important People of the Revolutionary War

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6 wrote stories and plays about freedom and protested against Britain
7 Governor of Virginia in 1776, Said, '...GIve me liberty or give me death!'
8 Helped write the Declaration of Independence. Said, '...we must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall hang sparately!'
9 wrote letters to Congress about women's rights; Said, '...remember the ladies...'; wife of 2nd president
10 African American who wrote poems about freedon and sent a letter to General Washington praising him
11 rebelled against 'acts' of British Parliament . Dressed up as Indians and dumped tea into Boston Harbor. A group of patriots.
12 Main writer of the Declaration of Independence. Said the Revolutionary War was a '...cruel war against human nature...'
13 helped write the Declaration of Independence, 2nd president of the U.S., helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris
1 leader and founder of the Sons of Liberty
2 people who would like the British Parliament to continue to rule the colonies
3 Was part of the Boston Tea Party. Warned on his midnight ride that, '...the British (Regulars) are coming...'
4 people who want freedom from Britain
5 General/Commander of the Continental Army. 1st president of the U.S.
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