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Important Women in History

                A N N E F R A N K                            
                      J O S E P H I N E B A K E R     E      
  J                     R                             V      
  O                     E L I Z A B E T H B L A C K W E L L  
H A R R I E T T U B M A N                                    
  N                     C A R O L I N E H E R S C H E L      
  O                     E                                    
  F                 B E N A Z I R B H U T T O                
  A                     I                                    
  R                     G E R T R U D E E D E R L E          
  C                     H                                    
                    E M I L Y D I C K I S O N                
                D O W A G E R C I X I                        
                        G                                 H  
                      M A R I A S K L O D O W S K A C U R I E
                        L                           L     L  
                    A M E I L A E A R H A R T       E     A  
                                    O               O     R  
                                    S               P     Y  
                                    A               A     C  
                                    P               T     L  
                                    A               R     I  
                                    R               A     N  
                                    K                     T  
                                    S                     O  
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1 Although she was both deaf and blind, she earned her bachelor degree in art.
3 She was known as the 'Creole Goddess'.
6 First woman to graduate from medical school.
7 This woman had a part in the abolishment of slavery by taking the underground railroad.
8 She was famous for being an astronomer and discovering several comets.
9 She was the first woman to head a Muslim majority nation, and the only one to head it twice.
10 She was the first woman to swim across the English
11 A famous woman in poetry.
12 She controlled the Chinese government in the late Qing dynasty for 47 years.
14 She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize.
16 She was famous for being one of the first women in aviation.
2 She was the founder of modern nursing.
4 The first woman in the bible.
5 She is considered a heroine of France.
13 Recently lost the election but was one of the closest to winning a presidential candidacy.
15 She was a famous Egyptian pharaoh.
17 She made her stand for civil rights on a bus.
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