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Industrial Revolution Crossword Puzzle

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Industrial Revolution

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      8                       9      
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1 relating to a city
3 statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.
4 an economic concept that states that the price of a good rises and falls depending on how many people want it (demand) and depending on how much of the good is available (supply)
5 Unprocessed natural products used in production
6 money for investment
7 A person who starts up and takes on the risk of a business
8 a method of production in which tasks are done by individuals in their rural homes
10 Created in response to horrible working conditions; fought for better pay and working conditions
11 The amount of the harvested part of a crop, such as grain from wheat.
12 economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
2 A period of rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production that began in the mid-1700s
9 a fabric made by weaving, used in making clothing
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