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Intro The Roman World Crossword Puzzle

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Intro the Roman World

Influences on Christianity

            4                         5          
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                  12       13   14                  
            18                       19            
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4 Birthplace of Jesus
6 Sacrifices to the Roman Gods
7 Jesus was crucified outside this city's walls
8 Built Systems of Roads that helped Christianity Spread
9 Method used early by Alexander to spread Greek culture into new lands and to new people
11 Jewish Ruling body made up primarily of Sadducees
15 Unique belief of the Jewish Religion
16 Romans used religion primarily for this purpose
17 Roman development that helped Christianity spread by linking important cities
18 Contributed philosophy, art, and literature to the culture of Jesus' time,
20 One of the languages most likely spoken by Jesus
1 Jewish group that retreated from world to live a life of prayer; Had rituals of communal meal and a form of baptism
2 The common language that helped the spread of the Gospel
3 Process of spreading Greek culture to new lands
5 town of Jesus' childhood and young adulthood
10 Title given to Octavian in 27BC
12 A Greek Philospoher
13 Scattering of Jewish people outside of Palestine often due to being sent into exile
14 One Nation and its Leader Ruling over Many Other Land Holdings and/or Nations
19 Julius Caesar made himself this
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