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It's All Greek TO Me! Crossword Puzzle

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It's All Greek To Me!

    8       9                    
10         11                      
12                               13
              14 15   16   17   18    
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6 who, in the fifth century, held festivals to honor Dionysus?
7 who introduced concept of second actor?
9 who wrote 123 or more plays during the course of his life?
12 one of Sophocles's famous plays.
14 what shape did the Greek theater have?
19 where is Greek located?
20 were not allowed to act in Greek theater.
1 the guy who defined the theater.
2 one of the important elements in drama.
3 where was Sophocles born?
4 a form of literature that includes one-act plays and full length plays.
5 A series of dramatic episodes were separated by what?
8 most of Greek's plays are based on what?
10 what did the actors, in Greek theater, wear to represent characters?
11 how many children did Oedipus and Iocaste have?
13 a way in which the audience infers thoughts and feelings of characters.
15 a conflict that occurs outside a character
16 what was the name of the king Laios's wife?
17 what is a pretense of ignorance called?
18 who became the king of Thebes after the death of Jocasta?
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