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Jamestown Crossword Puzzle Answer

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P O C A H O N T A S   P                    
            D         O                    
  C H A R T E R S     W                    
            N         H                    
            T H E S T A R V I N G T I M E S
            U         T                    
  C A S H C R O P     A                    
            E         N                    
    J O H N S M I T H                      
            V I R G I N I A C O M P A N Y  
      J O H N R O L F E                    
    P A L I S A D E S                      
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2 Daughter of Chief Powhatan, she married John Rolfe
4 Documents granting the right to organize settlements in an area
5 The period of time when the people of Jamestown resorted to eating anything
6 A crop that is grown for selling
7 He was a leader of the Jamestown colony
8 A group of merchants who raised money for the settlement of Jamestown
9 He was a tobacco farmer that made tobacco a cash crop
10 A defensive wall; a fort or a fence
1 A colonist who had to work off a debt in exchange for a trip to the colonies
3 Father of Pocahontas; also the name of the tribe Pocahonatas came from
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