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Jamestown Settlement Crossword Puzzle

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Jamestown Settlement

          1   2                                  
4                           5     6              
          7     8                 9              
            10               11                    
                      14               15          
          16     17                 18              
          19                   20                  
Across Down
4 A person who makes barrels.
5 Dried yellow or white field corn kernels that have been soaked to remove their husks.
7 Being attacked for your beliefs.
9 A medium of exchange (currency), which includes coins and paper bills.
10 The third and current capital of Virginia.
12 The second capital of Virginia.
13 A person who makes tools from metal.
17 Made unsafe for drinking. A spread of filth or germs.
19 A large farm with many slaves on it.
1 A crop that is grown to sell for money rather than for use by the growers.
2 A person who is like a boss to slaves.
3 Buying a good or service now and paying for it later.
6 People that move from one country to another to make a new start.
8 Making everything you need yourself.
11 Trading goods and services without using money.
14 A good, service, or amount of money owed to another.
15 An uncharted and unmapped land or area.
16 A city or town that is the site of a state or country government.
18 The Jamestown settlers' main cashcrop.
20 Money put away to be used at another time.
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