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Jefferson's Presidency Crossword Puzzle

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Jefferson's Presidency

                      2           3              
        7   8                                    
                12                               13
              16                         17        
        18         19         20                    
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8 Ran against the Federalists with Aaron Burr.
10 The practice of forcing people to serve in the navy or army.
11 Became president in 1808.
12 A law that banned all trade with Britain, France, and their colonies.
14 The power to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional.
15 The law that essentially banned trade with other foriegn countries.
16 A case that helped establish the Supreme Court's power.
18 The commander that gathered about 2,000 volunteers to move against the Creek nation.
1 A young army officer sent on another mission to the West.
2 Ran against Democratic-Republicans with Charles C. Pinckney.
3 Ran against the Federalists with Thomas Jefferson.
4 The banning of trade.
5 The war at sea.
6 A purchase that roughly doubled the size of the United States.
7 A long expedition to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
9 A Federalist appointed by John Adams.
13 A Shawnee cheif that angrily watched Native Americans get pushed off of their lands.
17 Helped the British during the Battle of Lake Erie.
19 People that like to go to war.
20 A Shoshone from the Rocky Mountains that helped direct Lewis & Clark on their Expidition.
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