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Jeffery Dahmer Crossword Puzzle

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Jeffery Dahmer

      5   6                                
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  9                     10                  
                11                         12
13     14                                    
Across Down
6 What was used to absorb the smell of the smell of the decapitated heads
7 Who was the main character
9 Who attended his funeral
11 Where did Dahmer keep his skull collection
13 How many witnesses were called on to convince the court that Dahmer was insane
16 Whate race did Dahmer target
17 Who was Dahmers first victim
18 All of Dahmers victims were
19 Who defended Dahmer during his trial
1 Where did Dahmer meet his victims
2 What month did Dahmer die
3 Where was Dahmer born
4 How many years of prison was Jeffery sentenced to
5 What did Jeffery collect
8 Jeffery failed to get help for his drinking problem so he joined the
10 Where was his first victim buried
12 What problem did Dahmer have
13 How many counts of murder was Dahmer sentenced to
14 How many men were murdered over the 15 months of Dahmer living in his new apartment
15 How many hours did it take for the jury to reach a verdict
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