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Layers OF Earth Crossword Puzzle

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Layers of Earth

                    1           2                          
                                          4         5      
              10                         11                  
                              12         13                  
      15                               16                    
Across Down
6 Movements of the Earth's Lithosphere
7 A science on earthquakes
8 The layer below the Lithsphere
9 Waves that move through the interior of the Earth
10 The layer above the Athenosphere
11 The measurement of an earthquake
13 The outer most layer of a planet
14 An instrument that records the features of an earthquake
16 It causes mass to retreat downward, such as a rock fall
17 A graph filled with data from a Seismograph
18 The region of Earth where P-/S- Waves aren't detected
1 The point exactly above the earthquakes focus
2 A minor earthquake that appears before a larger one
3 The point where an earthquake starts
4 The center of a planet
5 A fracture in the volume of a rock
6 A theory on how energy transfers during earthquakes
7 The segment of an earthquake
12 The layer between the Earth's crust and core
15 A sea wave caused by an earthquake
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