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Medieval Ages

                          1 2            
              6   7 8                    
      12                     13            
                    16           17        
                      19 20                
          21                   22          
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1 The animals used to travel or to go into combat/war
4 The Black Death was a _____ that killed thousands in The Medieval Ages
5 The place where the monarch lived and was thought to be protected
7 Each group on the Feudal System had a certain ________
10 The religion that most Medieval towns praised to
12 The group at the top of the Feudal Order
14 A penalty for an offence,, fault, etc.
15 Where did the villagers go to pray every Sunday?
16 An occupation which included watching over the animals of the village
18 This punishment method required you to have feet, arms and a head....
19 Someone had to lead the peasants/ villagers in prayer...
21 What mythical creature could a women have been believed to be?
22 The Medieval Ages can also be reffered as the ______ ages
23 The way in which social class was decided is called the ______ system
2 If the weather were a bit cooler the serfs may have worn an _____ on top of their clothes
3 Which common village animal in the Medieval Ages would have rolled in mud, ate and slept?
6 The _____ operated the mill, where grain such as wheat was ground into flour
8 Those weapons and armour did not make themselves
9 If you broke the law you may have not gotten a punishment but a_________
11 Who went into combat/war?
13 A common serfs drink sometimes enjoyed at the big church feast
14 Another name used for a serf
17 A villager/peasant often lived in a ________
18 A common name used for the villagers/ peasants
20 Something the peasants/villagers had to pay the church in return for their land
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