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Medieval Times Crossword Puzzle

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Medieval Times

        2         3                    
              7         8     9        
        10   11                          
12                           13          
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2 noblemen who fight as soldiers
4 a structured society of the wealthy owning land in exchange for the peasants labour.
5 an illness with symptoms of a cough and red sores
7 a book with elaborate writing and illustrations
12 An era of time known as the Medieval Ages
13 a vast increase and spread of something
14 the commoners who worked the land or as labourers
1 the wealthy people
3 public competitions for knights to joust
6 the owner of the land where the peasants worked
8 a series of holy wars in the Middle Ages
9 people on special trips to a sacred place
10 the members who lived with the church
11 a fortified building used as a safe house for the people.
12 the land owned by a noble
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