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Music Crossword Puzzle

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                1         2          
          5                   6   7  
    10   11                            
    13             14     15   16        
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3 A calm form of music, usually leaded by a saxophone.
5 to preform a song and copy it electronics
8 the text that people sing in songs
9 a guitar with a low sound
11 electric version of a piano
12 a trumpet look-a-like in the form of an elephant's trunk
13 to copy a song from the internet
17 the most iconic blow-instrument
18 hot hits of this moment under young people
19 loud music played by a band with drums, guitars and bassguitars
1 an instrument wich you make music with by hitting black and white bars
2 the instrument Amitai pays
4 spoken words in a rythm on a strong beat. Usually rhyming.
5 to show your single for the first time to the world
6 a six-string instrument with a long neck played with your fingers
7 to enter the list of the most populair songs
10 a song or tune
14 a set of round, hollow boxes wich you hit with sticks to make the beat for a song
15 a musial wher the most part is sung on a high octave.
16 to travel en preform with your band
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