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Music Theory Crossword Puzzle

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Music Theory

        4                 5        
        6                 7        
        9             10            
    13                   14          
  15                 16              
      17   18     19                  
Across Down
3 This means to play softly
4 E G B D F are written on this
6 This note has its own line
7 Music is divided into these
8 This means to play loudly
9 Notes which fit in between the lines are called this
11 This sign makes a note higher by a semitone
12 This is the first line note in bass clef
13 Notes which are written on the lines are called this
14 This sign makes a note lower by a semitone
15 This note gets 1 beat
16 The vertical lines that the notes are written on
17 This note gets 4 beats
1 This note gets a half of a beat
2 A dot after a note makes the note _ _ _ _ _ _
4 This tells how many beats there are in each bar
5 This is the first space not in treble clef
7 G B D F A are written on this
10 A curved line which joins two notes. Play the first note and hold for the second.
17 C D E F G A B C is one of these
18 This note gets 2 beats
19 A symbol which tells you there aren't any notes to play.
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