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Napoleon Bonaparte Crossword Puzzle

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Napoleon Bonaparte

        4                       5         6
10                                 11   12    
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2 The French Revolution ended in 1799 when Napoleon was appointed as (two words)
4 Fell in love with this aristocrat from Martinique
8 He ended this 1000 year old power (three words)
9 Name the cathedral where he was coronated (two words)
10 Napoleons last battle was at this place in Belgium
13 His soldiers affectionately called him by this name
14 He defeated Russia and Austria at the Battle of
15 How his tuition at the military academy was paid
1 When Napoleon and his troops reached this city in 1812, everything was burned to the ground
2 What major historical event gave him the opportunity for advancement (two words)
3 First major recognition was when he chased this foreign navy out of Toulon
5 In 1804 Napoleon crowned himself as
6 He rose to this military rank at age 24.
7 He was sent to this country to attend the military academy
11 Where Napoleon was born
12 Napoleon used this weapon to stop the rebellion in Paris
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