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Napoleon Bonaparte

                    1                   2        
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7               8                                
              11                               12  
                18   19                            
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7 Spanish Peasant Fighters
9 Napoleon's first mistake
10 Brotherhood
11 War in the Iberian Peninsula
14 Emperor of the French during the French Revolution, controlled the Empire for five years
15 Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it
16 A system of laws that Napoleon created
17 Napoleon's former Ally that caused him to invade Russia
18 An agreement or treaty
20 Equal rights
1 Age that napoleon graduated from military school
2 The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life.
3 Created this kind of system
4 A sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
5 Crowned his brother king of this country and caused the Peninsula War
6 Napoleon's Birhtplace
8 Practice of burning grain fields and killing live-stock
12 Month that Napoleon invaded Russia
13 The Napoleonic Code banned freedom of speech and freedom of?
19 Age that napoleon went to Military school
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