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Native Mesoamerica & Andean South America Crossword Puzzle

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Native Mesoamerica & Andean South America

Aztecs, Incas, & Mayans

3                                   4            
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            10                       11            
        16     17     18                            
  19                                             20
                                23   24       25    
                26 27     28   29                    
Across Down
2 Another name for the Aztecs
3 Historic capital of the Inca Empire
6 Incan crops were planted on these.
7 Incan ruler, overthrown by the Spanish.
8 Capital of the Aztec empire.
9 Recording devices of the Inca.
10 Incan city in the mountains.
11 Mighty Mesoamerican empire of central Mexico.
12 The only large domesticated animal in the Americas
13 Stone used in tools and weapons by the Mesoamericans.
14 Religion practiced by the Inca, Aztec, and Maya.
17 Mesoameican city, translates to 'where man met the gods'.
19 Language spoken by the Aztecs.
21 Mixed Native American and European people.
23 Floating farms of the Aztecs
26 Mixed African and European people.
1 Official language of the Inca Empire.
2 Aztec ruler, overthrown by the Spanish.
4 Measured time for planting and time for religion.
5 Mesoamerican feathered serpent god.
15 Human blood offered up to the gods.
16 Guinea pig meat.
18 Lake where Aztec capital was built.
20 Defeated the Aztecs
22 Mesoamerican group found on the Yucatan.
24 Most powerful empire in South America.
25 Defeated the Incas
27 Mesoamerican ball game.
28 A capital of the Mayan Empire.
29 Mother culture of Mesoamerica.
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