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New Republic

                    1               2                
            5 6                                      
              7                           8          
      13                     14                        
            18             19     20                    
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4 money that needs to be payed back
5 a document stating the aims and principles of a political party
7 forcing people into the army
8 what people remember you for
9 establishing
10 the government has this
11 government should't interfere with a nation's economy
13 an agreement between two sides where each side gives up some of what it wants
16 support the constitution
17 loyalty to a nation
18 Democratic, Republican
1 a persons understanding of a situation
2 a tradition
3 not picking a side of an argument
6 the ability and authority to decide cases based on hearing testimony and viewing evidence
12 an indirect tax charged on the sale of a particular good
14 top tier
15 a group of advisers to the president
19 of or relating to or concerning the land and its ownership,
20 act passed in 1798 while under threat of war from France
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