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Ottoman Empire

              6                         7             8
          13                           14                
                15                       16              
                17                 18                    
            19         20   21                            
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4 War fought by Britain, France and the Ottoman Empire against the Russians
5 Many fled here to escape being slaughtered by the Sultan and his supporters
6 One of the two straits that Russia wanted to control
7 A synonym for independence or self-rule
10 Nickname implying that conflict was inevitable in Ottoman territory
11 The Sick Man of Europe
12 Provincial Rulers
13 Ottoman response to revolts against their rule
14 Territory between the Adriatic and Black Seas
15 A term to describe the Ottoman Empire as one with many different people groups
16 First of Ottoman territories to win independence
17 A movement that motivated many territories to push for independence from the Ottoman Empire
19 In trying to reform their Empire, Ottoman rulers had been trying to ___________ the empire
1 Fueled by fear, the Turks committed __________agains one group of their subjects
2 movement that focused on reclaiming the ideas and practices in Muhammad's initial teachings
3 Ottoman territory annexed by Austria-Hungary
4 Corruption, landowners, military rulers and craft guilds weakened these
7 Group persecuted and systematically killed by the Ottoman Empire
8 Led a revolt against the sultan to inspire reforms
9 One of the two straits that Russia wanted to control
18 Turkish rulers opposed to trying to be more like the West
20 These focused on religious devotion and behaviors
21 Main religion of the Ottoman Empire
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