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Our Day Out Crossword Puzzle

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Our Day Out

                  2   3          
  5                         6    
7           8                   9
            17   18         19      
  20   21                          
Across Down
7 This trip was for children in which class?
10 This person told Mr Briggs to go on the trip.
11 What does Mr Briggs wear on the bus journe back?
13 What did the pupils try to do with some of the animals?
14 Susan was going out with whom?
15 At the second cafe, the owners did what to the price of things?
16 Where does Mr Briggs find Carol.
17 Carol says that things would be different if Briggs was her what?
20 Mrs Kay appears to be more like this than a teacher when she talks to the pupils.
22 Where does Briggs suggest they go because they have time?
23 Name the castle they visit.
1 Which country are they going to?
2 At the first cafe, what did the notice on the door say?
3 At the end, Briggs fails to do what?
4 Mr Briggs could be described as this.
5 The person who has organised the trip.
6 What does Briggs win at the fair for Carol?
8 What does Carol wear all the time?
9 What Carol thinks about where she stays.
12 Which place do they visit first?
18 What does Briggs do with the film?
19 What is Mr Briggs' atitude when he sees Carol at the cliff?
21 Briggs promises that he won't do what?
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