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                            1               2          
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  14                     15     16                       17
  18                                 19                  
20               21                                      
                                  23         24     25    
Across Down
3 Allowing
4 Acting as if youn wish to fight
5 Watchful or discreet
7 Excessively concerned with physical comfortand materials
10 Planfully
11 Required;
14 To be disowned
15 Someone who believes the bible is infallable
18 The capital city of Iran
19 Defiant
20 Someone who is willing to suffer death for their religion or religious reason
21 A government that takes, and is in, power
23 Tending or serving to repress
1 To alleviate or lessen grief
2 People who leave their home country for safety in another
3 The right to seek shelter somewhere to escape persecution
6 A representation or image on a monument
8 Hijab; Head scarf
9 The conventional name for a geographic region of W. Asia
12 The president of Iran during the time the boo0k took place
13 Islamic relief for disaster (Like Red Cross)
16 A person who surrenders easily
17 Official name of Iran until 1935
22 Someone who claims to speak to, or for God
24 Something that is not religious in any way
25 Someone who makes or sell wine
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