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Philip II

    3         4                    
              12     13              
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3 What was the Spanish infidel called?
5 What can be considered to be a large problem (foreign) for Philip from 1556?
6 what was it called when a monarch constantly travelled?
7 which Spanish coast was often raided by Barbary pirates?
8 What was set up to question the religion of Spaniards, originally under Isabella and Ferdinand
9 Which Council was set up to prosecute Dutch rebels?
10 What was the sales tax called?
11 The council of what hoped to reform the Catholic Church
12 What was caused as a result of increased silver being imported into Spain?
14 Philip II can be considered as a - monarch?
1 Which was the largest and most heavily taxed part of Spain?
2 What did Philip II make the Capital in 1561
4 what did Philip hope to achieve through reforms in government?
13 In which battle did Philip successfully defeat the Turks in 1571?
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