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Politics & Goverment

                                        1 2          
                                                5   6
                                          11   12      
              18       19   20     21                    
23 24                                                  
Across Down
1 A political theory which is derived from the teachings of the Chinese political leader Mao Zedong
7 The President is directly responsible to the people
8 The privilege of social class whose members possess disproportionately large percentage of society's wealth, prestige and political influence.
9 Government by a single person with absolute control over the resources of the state.
10 The extension of power and rule beyond established geographical boundaries.
13 Government control of all activities.
14 Form of Marxism incorporating the concept of permanent revolution.
16 Supreme power of the state to command and enforce obedience to its inhabitants
18 The belief that a single ruler should have control over every aspect of the government and of the people’s lives
23 Political system where the principle means of production and distribution are in private hands.
2 The belief that the best government is absolutely no government
3 Administrators of government are chosen by the people through electoral process
4 Governmental powers are distributed between the central government and local government or state
5 The preservation of order through an evolved authority.
6 An authoritarian and revolutionary approach to achieving socialism.
7 A Prime Minister and his cabinet is responsible to legislative branch
11 A system of government in which virtually all power is held a small number of wealthy people who shape policy to benefit themselves.
12 Government by the people usually through elected representatives.
15 The means of governing and related policies implemented by Joseph Stalin.
17 Developed by Marx and Engles, it proposes that all is subject to change and resistance to change necessitates the overthrow of the system through class struggle.
19 The body of political theory for the democratic organisation of a revolutionary vanguard party, and the achievement of a dictatorship of the proletariat.
20 Rule by the church.
21 A form of rule in which the head of state is a King or Queen.
22 Extreme right-wing ideology where the existing social order is protected by the forcible suppression of the working class.
24 Supreme political power is in the hands of one person whose decision are unregulated.
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