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Political systems and ideologies throughout the world.

              8                         9                
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2 This ideology believes that with social issues, people should be left alone to make their own choices.
3 The rule of and power to the people.
4 This ideology includes paradigms such as small government, a free economy and private ownership.
5 This ideology believes that with social issues, the government should give direction.
6 The total rule of the country by one person.
7 In this type of democracy the people themselves are directly involved in making the country's laws and decisions.
8 A king or queen who have passed most of their power onto parliament and the people.
10 A country run by a small group of people.
1 This is the type of democracy that most modern states, such as the USA have. People elect representatives to make decisions and laws for them.
9 This ideology includes paradigms such as large government, a planned economy and social equality.
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