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Pre-columbian North America Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Pre-Columbian North America

        C U L T U R E S              
        T E P E E S                  
        A R T I C                    
B I S O N                            
        C R E E K                    
        T R I B E S                  
        R       W       H            
        E A S T E R N W O O D L A N D
        S       S       P            
                T       I            
Across Down
1 ________________ that had developed by the 1400's shared many similarities.
2 ______________ are tall, cone shaped houses made of buffalo hides stretched over wooden poles.
3 ____________ tribes are ones that traveled great distances to hunt animals like seals and caribou.
4 The main source of food and materials for the Midwest tribes was ________________.
5 One of the largest tribes of the Southwest was the _________________ tribe.
6 The communities of people calling the Americas home are called ______________.
9 __________________ _____________________ tribes used tools as weapons
1 Each tribe has its own unique __________ and _______________ (the word and will be in the middle)
7 Tribes of the __________ have a deep connection with their environment.
8 _____________ Indians, are a Southwest tribe that raised livestock.
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