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Prophet Muhammad Crossword Puzzle

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Prophet Muhammad

                    1     2  
3       4               5    
            6 7              
            11       12   13    
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3 How old was prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he found out that he was a prophet?
5 How many children did prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have?
6 Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) wife was
8 What was the name of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) father?
9 What year was the prophet born in?
10 The name of prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) tribe?
11 Who looked after prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the desert when he was a child?
14 What was the Prophet's (PBUH) second job?
1 what does al-ameen mean?
2 Where did prophet Muhammad go when he left Makkah?
4 what does al-sadiq mean?
7 The name of the Prophet's (PBUH) grandchildren
12 How old was the prophet (PBUH) when his grandfather died?
13 What was the prophet's (PBUH) mother's name?
14 Where was the Prophet (PBUH) born?
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