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Recipe Terms

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                D R A I N                  
              G R I L L                    
      B O I L     S       F                
      R         D E E P F R Y              
    C O M B I N E         Y                
      I         F                       C  
P E E L   M I C R O W A V E             U  
          I     O                       B  
          N     S T I R F R Y     S H R E D
    P I N C H   T                 A        
          E   S T I R       F L O U R      
                H     H     R     T        
              B A R B E Q U E     E        
                W     A     E   S          
                      P     Z   T          
                      I   L E V E L        
                B L E N D       A          
                A     G         M          
            K N E A D                      
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2 To remove liquid from a solid food by pouring off the liquid, putting the food through the colander, or drying with paper towels.
3 To boil over hot coals or on a griddle.
4 To cook food in hot liquid, 212 degrees Fahrenheit, having bubbles that rise to and break on the surface of the liquid.
6 To cook food by completely immersing in hot fat, also known as 'french frying'.
7 To blend or mix two or more ingredients.
9 To remove the skin/layer by stripping or pulling off with your fingers.
10 To cook food in the microwave oven using little or no liquid.
11 To cook bite-sized small pieces of food quickly over high heat in a small amount of fat while stirring constantly.
12 To cut or break food into long, thin strips by using a knife, fork or grater.
13 Less than 1/8 tsp. or the amount of an ingredient that can be held between the thumb and forefinger.
14 To mix using a spoon or wire whisk wit a circular motion
15 To sprinkle or coat a food with flour.
17 To roast slowly on a rack or spit over hot coals or some other direct heat source and baste with spicy sauce.
19 Flat and even. To check for correct measurement get at 'eye- level' for liquids or use a straight-edge spatula.
20 To stir or mix ingredients until they are thoroughly combined and smooth.
21 To work a ball of dough with the heels of the hands repeating press, fold, and turn motions until the dough is smooth and elastic.
1 To cook large pieces of meat or poultry slowly over low heat in a small amount of hot liquid in a tightly covered pan.
4 To cook uncovered under a direct heat source.
5 To cook food in a small amount of hot fat.
6 To expose to warmth in order to free from a frozen state.
8 To cut food into small, equal size squares about 1/4 to 1/8 inch in size.
10 To cut food into very fine,uneven pieces.
12 To lightly brown or cook food in a small amount of hot fat over moderate heat; Pieces of food are cut into small or thin pieces preserving texture, moisture, flavor.
15 To lower a food's temperature to freezing or below by placing it in a freezer.
16 A very full or large amount. Example: Measuring cup that is overflowing.
18 To cook food in a pan using vapor produced by a boiling liquid.
20 To cook in a oven with dry, hot air.
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