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                P R O T E S T A N T R E F O R M A T I O N      
S C R I P T U R E                                     N        
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Z E A L O T S   O                             C   S            
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                T                         P                    
              K I N G D O M O F G O D     E                    
                T               E                              
                U               N                              
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                I               I                              
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            O                   S                              
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4 An 'overseer.' A successor to the apostles and the head of a particular church.
7 An effort to reform the Catholic Church which led to the separation of Christians from communion with Rome and with each other.
8 Literally, the 'writings.'
9 The attempt to reconcile or blend the beliefs and practices of various religions into one.
11 Those moral teachings which are essential corollaries of the church's understanding of God revealed in Jesus.
13 Those absolute truths which were revealed by Christ and are so essential to Christian faith that their essence can never be changed.
14 The strictest of the four main jewish groups of jesus' day. Lived celibately and interpreted every law in the strictest way.
15 The sixteenth century ecumenical council held in response to the protestant reformation.
16 Jews living in jesus' time who believed that God called them to overthow the Roman government in Palestine.
18 The story of God's action in human history. Refers to the events through which God makes humanity aware of and brings humanity into the kingdom of God.
19 The reign or rule of God.
21 The bishops, acting in unison with the pope, by virtue of their ordination. It is the teaching authority of the church.
22 Unfolding of the mystery.
1 One of the four Main religious groups of jews in Jesus' days that was based on scripture and jewish oral tradition.
2 The governing system which prevailed in Europe in the middle ages in which a Lord granted land to a vassal in return for services.
3 The partnership between God and humanity which God has established out of love.
5 True, complete,and permanent unity with God and with one another.
6 One who is sent.
7 Those elements in the church's structure which were established by Jesus.
10 One of the religious groups of jews in jesus' day who were religiously conservative.
11 The final purification of all who die in God's grace and friendship but remain imperfectly purified.
12 The structural order of leaders within the Church.
17 The bishop of Rome. Successor of Peter and as such holds the highest office of teaching and governance in the catholic church.
20 A term for non-Jews.
23 A total denial of Christ and a disavowel of the christian faith.
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