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Rosa Parks Crossword Puzzle

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Rosa Parks

                      1   2      
            4           5        
          7                   8  
    10                     11      
    15   16                        
            17         18          
Across Down
1 This is the group Rosa was involed in.
4 This is the day Rosa was arrested in.
5 Rosa's brother was in the _ ?
9 This is the town Rosa was born in.
10 This is another name for protesting.
12 This is what called Raymond.
13 Rosa had a brother named _ ?
15 Rosa was _ because she would not give up her seat on the bus.
17 The MIA _ for the rights on the bus.
19 This is the name of Rosa's husband
20 Rosa was arrested because of an incident on the _ ?
2 This is the state she was born in.
3 Rosa played a _ role in the MIA
6 This is the month that Rosa was arrested in.
7 Most people go here on sunday mornings.
8 We celebrate the 4th of july for our _ ?
9 A holiday was named after this famous man.
11 People come here to try to get Justice.
14 This is the name of the bus driver that got her arrested
16 This is the main character of the story.
18 Rosa's grandparents were _ ?
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